NOTE: We are no longer adding new features to Set List Maker. We recommend our newer product, BandHelper, for the latest design and functionality.

Help resources

Before writing to ask for help, please check these resources to see if your question is already answered:

  • For problems with buying upgrades, see the Upgrades page.
  • Check the FAQ page to see if your question is answered there.
  • Check the Forum to see if your question is answered there.
  • Check the Release Notes page to see if the problem has already been fixed in an upcoming release.

Note: Do not delete and reinstall your app unless instructed to. This will delete all the data you've entered and reset your in-app purchases.

Requesting help

  • Click here to open a new help desk ticket.
  • Include specific examples in your message. Tell us the names of the songs or shows you are viewing. Instead of saying, "None of the lyrics open," tell us the name of a specific song whose lyrics don't open.
  • Avoid vague language like "I can't ___" or "___ doesn't work." Instead, describe exactly what steps you are taking and what the problem looks like. You can review these guidelines for writing an effective help request.
  • Please write in English if you can. If you write in another language, we'll run it through Google Translate and then respond in English.
  • If you have more than one issue to ask about, send a separate message for each issue rather than combining them all into one message. This makes it easier to address all of your issues.
  • Submit the ticket and look for an email confirmation in your mailbox. If you don't receive this within a few moments, check your Spam or Junk Mail folder to make sure you are receiving mail from our server.
  • If you find a solution before we respond to your ticket, please update the ticket so we don't spend time on a problem that has already been solved.

Sending a screen shot

We might ask you to send a screen shot to help see problem. Here's how to do that:


  1. Hold down the power button on the top of your device, then press the home button while holding it down. The screen will flash.
  2. Open the help desk ticket requesting the screen shot.
  3. Tap the Choose File button under Add a File, then select Photo Library.
  4. Browse your camera roll and select the screen shot you just made.
  5. Add a message to the ticket if needed, and submit it.


  1. Press the power and volume down buttons at the same time, and hold them for a second. The screen will flash.
  2. Open the help desk ticket requesting the screen shot.
  3. Tap the Choose File button under Add a File, then select Documents.
  4. Tap Images, then Screenshots, and select the screen shot you just made.
  5. Add a message to the ticket if needed, and submit it.

Sending a crash log

We might ask you to send a crash log to help troubleshoot a problem. Here's how to do that:


Here's an illustrated tutorial, or you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Navigate to Privacy > Analytics and turn on Share With App Developers.
  3. Launch Set List Maker and repeat whatever action triggers the crash.
  4. Return to the Settings app.
  5. Navigate to to Privacy > Analytics > Analytics Data and select the latest crash log starting with "SetListMaker."
  6. Select the crash log text and copy it.
  7. Reply to the help desk ticket requesting the log and paste the log text into the message field.


If your Mac shows the crash log in a popup window after a crash, you can copy that and paste it into a help desk ticket. Otherwise…

  1. Open the Applications > Utilities > Console app.
  2. Select Crash Reports in the left sidebar.
  3. Select the latest crash log starting with "Set List Maker."
  4. Select the crash log text and copy it. It's important to select all the text.
  5. Reply to the help desk ticket requesting the log and paste the log text into the message field.


  1. Launch the app and repeat whatever action triggers the crash.
  2. When the alert appears telling you that the app has crashed, tap the Report button.
  3. Enter your name into the description field so I can match your crash log with your email messages.
  4. Reply to the help desk ticket requesting the log to let me know you have submitted it.